這是我一個較早時的concept video.
新娘子Catharine 想在婚禮那天感謝影響她生命中最重要的人, 由於擔心說出來會哭如涙人, 於是找了我作幫手. 新郎 GJ 說如要多謝, 就是在天上的嫲嫲.
我們都不太想以speech或interview形式帶出感謝說話, 希望用生活化的故事把整個意念帶出. 不過, 由於男主角是比較內斂, 而且, 嫲嫲在他小時候已經不在人世, 懷念之情實在放在心底. 要創作一個平衡兩方故事的平台, 和連貫不同時空成為整個project的重點.
在創作中, 我們花了很多時間探討影響他們成長過程的音樂和電影. 出奇地順利, 我們都放進了大家都很喜歡的SNOWMAN和音樂電影MAMA MIA的音樂.
片中透過GJ聆聽着Catherine給媽媽的說話, 走過成長的街道, 懷緬着已逝去的至親…..
The concept video is titled "KANSAI DREAM". It features footage from a pre-wedding photo shoot of a friend, edited with a Cantonese song by Shirley Kwan. "Kansai" is perhaps the most historic and beautiful place in Japan I have ever seen, despite the constant rain during the trip. I am grateful to Mark from Friendsphotography for allowing me to have fun with them.
You won't believe that just a stone's throw from the bustling Hong Kong city, there lies the ancient village of Lo Wai with stunning temples. Join us to unwind and experience the soothing vibes of Lo Wai while listening to the Tibetan singing bowl.
您不會相信香港最古老的村莊和寺廟距離最繁忙的城市只有一箭之遙。 讓我們放鬆心情,用藏式頌缽體驗「老圍」的氛圍。
It’s always exciting when you can shot outside your living place.
New place and people that we've expected, but what makes us amazed are those haven't.
It took me nearly 4 hours to drive from Sapporo to mountain Tokachi. (Daisetsuzan National Park)
Driving in a completely dark forest without street light is much more than solely a mysterious and weird experience for a Hongkonger. It makes me understand more why Japan has so many tales about spirits and nature.
After all, we are so tiny in the face of nature.
This story improvised from this trip on the first day. Some shots and text design tribute to my beloved animate. Evangelion
My Heart was very complicated and lost during July 2019. It was the worst era of Hong Kong and we could barely see the future. We stuck at home and not safe to go out. I pull myself together to review some footage filmed before from Japan - Naruto.
"Ten years" have become my “so-called” new travelling short film since 2017. It gave me surprised to see how serious I was again about editing and enjoying the time of making a personal documentary. Also, this is a tribute to my wife Kary for being a good companion of 10 years marriage.
P.S. There is a potential UFO footage filmed at 00:48 in this video. I did dissect that footage it in "Naruto UFO" if you are interested to check a bit closer.
當年認識阿John是因為踩mountain bike和認識Danny. 知佢地在外國玩漂移. 我當時心諗: 「香港wor朋友, 我哋都係踩單車算啦! 漂移只能在漫畫世界中呢!」
不過, 一直都覺佢騎單車啲線位好靚好靚, 玩了兩年後我們都有幾年冇見了. 現在我也甚少踩單車.
喜歡的東西就是要堅持, 我這個朋友做到了! 今天有幸看見他作賽和得獎!
在鏡頭下, 我比其他人看得更清楚, 這根本就是電影"激戰"的故事情節. 雖然我只能作觀眾紀錄, 但我一邊剪, 心裏不停響起 THE SOUND OF SILENCE 這首老歌.
For the past decade, my wife and I have made it a tradition to visit Penang every year during the peak season of "Musang King"” the king of fruits. However, I'm about to tell a story about something other than durian. It's about a long-distance relationship between two wandering hearts. I took candid shots during our trip without any particular purpose at first. However, I found myself drawn to a long-haired girl and began to observe her from behind. As we explored George Town, I came across a street art piece by Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic that became the perfect storyteller for my experience. The art conveyed the complicated mindset that often comes with being young and overly attached.
By the way, please make up my room.
Have you ever heard the name of this martial arts academy?
Maybe you are too young.
Their advertising back then was very brainwashed and successful.
Unexpectedly, this time I had the honour to shoot for them.
想不到, 這次有幸為他們拍攝.
This Tottori trip was our family trip again with my father since his first stroke recovery.
The clips had been on the computer for more than a year, and it was not until my dad was admitted to the hospital in 2017 again that I realized how precious these clips were.
The story is intertwined by the granddaughter's point of view and dream, watching grandpa walk through the time tunnel of life and toward the distant shore.
這次鳥取之旅, 是和家父自第一次中風康復後的家庭旅行.
片段放在電腦年多, 直至爸爸2017年再入院時, 才驚覺這些片段的珍貴.
故事由孫女兒的視點和夢境交織, 看着爺爺走過生命的時光隧道, 走向遙遠的彼岸.
2017 was my best year of travelling and indeed, I forgot how many places I’ve been unless counting the number of stamps from the passport.
However, this Nepal trip will always look fresh in my memory and as it was so astonishing in any way.
Credits belong to our team leader Philip, who selflessly arranged this unforgettable trip and Reo as the best travel mate with much love and caring. They left me an incredible memory and a priceless friendship.
“The first breakfast" was inspired by “Covenant - the last supper" s prologue as they gather for a final meal before entering cryosleep. “The first breakfast” was the first meal in the mountain before hiking to Poon hill.
The background music came from a western hiker next to our room, playing this extra-long flute while Philip and Reo are eating their unforgettable omelette.
Btw, do you call David?
A few years ago, my twin brother suffered from a serious leg injury from shooting a wedding. After more than a year of medical treatment, he still felt pain in his leg on every step he moves.
This short video begins with Alex (my best apprentice) carrying our food supplies (breakfast technically) through the pedestrian tunnel in Karuizawa right before our shooting day. Flashback to the moment when he comes alone on a train to join us from Hong Kong.
We walked under the scary traffic light to the deepest red of the autumn leaves. Accompany with our young fellows, my brother (Grass Tso) was still able to capture the beauty of the bride in Karuizawa with the help of his new mobility leg, and the wheelchair became the symbol leading us to make through this darkest moment.
Crew: Grass, Nick, Joe, Him and Alex
Thinking back to my entire school life, it seems that classes had never been suspended for any reason. We took it for granted for each new school years to start. Nothing was special to be remembered.
Except for one summer of that year, my brother and I changed to new schools after moving to a remote place. It was our first time to go back to school by bicycle, and I felt grown-up for the first time.
還記得那一年轉校的夏天, 背着那重重的書包,
第一次騎着單車返學, 感覺第一次長大了.
有幸地,我帶着這樣的心情參與了這次和Cordis酒店的創作. 多謝Mandy 的出題「簡單的幸福」給我在這次拍攝方向的提示。
基於社交平台短片通常都是1分鐘的限制。如果單單從鏡頭說故事,很難有效對這主題發揮,於是我們誠邀 Wing Lam 作聲音導航,嘗試透過說話和畫面讓觀眾反思對幸福的理解。
片段中,我們嘗試觸碰現正準備結婚的新人一 他們正面對香港的新環境和疫症困擾下作為的場景。在片段開始時,我特別用大特寫拍攝新人帶上口罩和在片尾時除下口罩。寓意兩人只要堅守互相珍惜和擁有良好溝通, 任何困難都可以攜手跨過。這就是兩個人一起最大的幸福。
Venue: Cordis Hong Kong