No matter what you feel about Hong Kong, people from overseas still fall in love with this place. It's not easy to describe how sweet they were while we were shooting. One thing I know is they are really in love with each other. So, I dubbed this trailer " Korean lovebirds".
香港有不少的天主教堂, 一向都是比較傳統的形象. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (聖母聖衣堂) 設計則比較簡約新穎, 亦不失莊嚴氣氛. 尤其是教堂的壁畫, 十字架和天花的設計. 拍攝進場時一刻, 有感步入主的聖殿, 讓我非常深刻.
新人BERTHA 和 WILKIN情感真摯, 二人經常互相交流. 拍攝流程就更加自然和流暢.
婚禮攝錄, 就是如此.
venue: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (聖母聖衣堂)
Can you believe this is another pair of lover dating 10 years before their marriage? These guys are just incredible, no matter how they talk, smile, and dressed. Thank you for giving me enormous trust and freedom from the very beginning and, we all love the product in the end. Btw, it is my first wedding shooting in Rosewood Hong Kong too.
Venue: Rosewood Hong Kong
為方便IG推廣, 我把highlight分拆為三個1分鐘小故事.
Part 1.
“你有你嘅生活, 我有我的忙碌, 同你冇乜接觸.”
Part 2.
“認真啲講, 我迷戀你有三個原因.”
有關 “迷戀” 的解釋:
Part 3.
你的笑容, 讓世界住滿陽光.
你的笑聲, 為我的生活喝采.
PS. 由於新娘子笑容實在燦爛動人和充滿能量, 音樂上我大膽地選擇了一些跳舞和電子感覺較重的音樂, 效果? 當然是12分喜歡.
HK Wedding Video SDE - Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin
“You are also the only person that spoils me in ways no one else had ever done before. Because you taught me prawns, crabs, lobsters don’t have shells, wings don’t have bones, grape doesn’t have skin, cherries don’t have seeds, lemon tea comes from holey lemon. The list goes on. So, bad news for you, I am not going anywhere.”
I've been living in this small town for 20 years but this is my first time to shoot inside this small Chapel.
Temperature, leaves, light and camera movement feel like yesteryears but the time and space are out of my perception.
What remains unchanged in this uncertain world?
Maybe Love. I am still a big believer.
Venue: 宣道會錦綉堂
Hotel: Hyatt Regency Sha Tin Hotel
The wedding takes place during an epidemic, but it's unique because it involves two different Chinese families coming together. Despite the challenging circumstances, the couple chose to be with each other. Throughout the wedding, they witnessed the rapid changes in both people and the environment.
我會永遠記住 KC 講的那句:
“就算香港變成點, 大家都繼續可以一齊愛護呢度, 一齊做自己想做嘅嘢.”
當時我聽到這句時, 真是差點喊出來...
Venue: 伯大尼教堂
This is my last overseas wedding shooting right before the outbreak of coronavirus. Thank god for giving us such an opportunity to learn Japan culture. Indeed, this is the first time to shoot a wedding inside a Japanese church officially. By the way, this is much more difficult than I thought.
We’ve been on lockdown for more than 6 months already, when can we go outside and take a shot again?
這是一個跨年的製作. 2017-2019
這些年來, 有幸地見證着他由孑然一身到倆口子的幸福.
SDE 片段一開始,我選擇了我們( REO, PHILIP 和我 ) 三人在2017年在尼泊爾登山片段, 從直升機走入群山開始, 穿越高山低谷, 再走入加德滿都的橫街窄巷.
從大自然的風雨無常, 透過旅行者的鏡頭, 看見了當地人對將來的祝願.....
鏡頭從寺廟中飛過的白鸽, 飛越到了兩年後在香港的家....
This is a “so-called” cross-year project. (2017-2019)
The owner of this story comes from our photographer team.
Over the years, I have been fortunate to witness his change from one person to two people.
At the beginning of my edit, I chose our Nepal trip footage (REO, PHILIP and me) in 2017, starting from the helicopter into the mountains, traversing the high mountains and valleys, and then walking into the narrow streets of Kathmandu.
From the wind and rain of nature, through the lens of the traveller, I saw the wishes of the locals for the future.
The white pigeons fly over the temple, leaving the colourful flag behind. Passing through the time tunnel, drop by his home two years later...
Venue: Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel
Trailer 1,
From encounters to love
Doubt to belief
Experience our four seasons.
從相遇到相愛, 懷疑到相信
Trailer 2,
But you showed me
What it means to be loved
The way you touch me, hold me quietly.
You're everything I am not.
And when I have you in my arms
I feel undone
So, in a long way
I've come to say I love you.
VENUE: 香港四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
“ We always end up hurting the ones we love the most, Darling”
“I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen. ” A Dad and a Groom said this at different moments of their life.
Venue: Hotel Icon 唯港薈
Among the 50 weddings in the same year, this is my best wedding in 2019. but why?
From the professional point of view, we always remind ourselves that no matter the size of the wedding, budget or personnel, we should better maintain the same attitude, skill and energy to deliver our best thing. However, every wedding is unique. e.g. Different couples, guests, venue and schedules. Especially when a wedding is held in Hong Kong, the schedule could be very tight and more complicated than you think.
Hong Kong is a so-called "special area". From young, we used to embrace the western culture and respect the eastern one. Therefore, we inherit two ceremonies on the same day. Last but not least, we have another important task to complete: "THE SAME DAY EDIT."
Usually, I work with a videographer for a normal size wedding. At Gary’s wedding, we prepared three videographers to work together as a team. To my mind, my video team should be better respected or paid because they always do their best for every single time. A big credit belongs to Philip who took a perfect long shot by gimbal for the first dance while I was burying my head in the edit. I believe his contribution makes this film very different.
Thanks to Gary and MJ, they were fully prepared for the wedding from the beginning, and in the end, they even admired the small details in the film. What is the better thing for us than they truly love our work? After the wedding, we met twice at their friend's wedding. Indeed, I should say they took the initiative to reach me once I finished the show. This lovely couple may never know how sweet and supportive they are to me.
Yes, this is everything that I experienced at this wedding. This makes me aware of the importance of good teamwork and the right clients.
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel
Church: St. Margaret’s Church